Homelessness can affect individuals from all walks of life, especially those who may have fled their home countries due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of hardship. Refugees often face unique challenges as they navigate a new country, culture, and language. Many find themselves initially reliant upon shelters and social services for support. The transition from life in their home country to resettlement in a new and unfamiliar environment can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of isolation, homesickness, and uncertainty about the future.

M’s story provides insight into the challenges and experiences faced by individuals in these situations.
M, a 26-year-old originally from Ethiopia, arrived in Toronto in December 2021. She recounts praying extensively for stability. Initially sheltered at Street Haven Women’s Shelter, she experienced emotional turmoil, spending days in tears, feeling vulnerable, and grappling with cultural shock. Homesickness for her family and her previous academic life in Ethiopia added to her distress.
Her first day at the shelter was a learning curve, from receiving hygiene kits to navigating shared spaces and privacy concerns. However, amidst the stresses of the new rules and limitations of shelter life, she found solace in her roommate, with whom she shared prayers and aspirations. Eventually, M was transferred to one of Homes First’s Hotel Shelter Programs, matching her with her own room, offering a sense of privacy. M was later matched with a self-contained unit at Meegwetch, a supportive housing site owned and operated by Homes First. This final transition sparked a new sense of joy, enabling her to think about her long-term future.
M’s ultimate career goal is to work within the health sector; she’s already completed an 8-month training at the Immigrant Women’s Refugee Program and a 2-month mental health-focused volunteer commitment. She proudly shares that she will be attending George Brown College for the Registered Practical Nurse Degree when asked about her plans for the year.
M’s journey towards stability highlights the importance of community support and organizations like Homes First. Homes First serves as a vital lifeline for refugees experiencing homelessness, offering essential support and resources to help them overcome adversity. In addition to the organization’s own efforts to support refugees, it also engages in advocacy and community outreach to bring further awareness to the unique needs of refugees experiencing homelessness. All together, these efforts can help refugees forge a brighter future for themselves and their families.