Meegwetch is one of our supportive housing sites; it is a five-storey brick apartment building with a total of 50 units and a townhouse complex consisting of 14 brick and stucco townhouse units. In total Meegwetch has 19 bachelor apartments, two bachelor accessible units, 25 one-bedroom units, two one-bedroom accessible units, eight two‐bedroom units, four three‐bedroom units and four four‐bedroom units. The tenants of the apartment building have experienced the effects of poverty, substance use issues, and/or mental health issues. The apartment also houses the 14 individuals participating in the Centre for Addictions and Health (CAMH) schizophrenia program. Vacancies are often filled through referrals from our own shelters and partnerships with other shelter providers, and ACT teams. For the CAMH program, referrals are made directly from the in-patient schizophrenia unit to Homes First. In the townhouses, the residents have been housed based on internal transfers for expanding families, family reunification, or referrals from agencies serving families, such as Children’s Aid Society. Homes First has been operating a housing program here for over 29 years.
Warming Centres in Toronto: Everything You Should Know
Warming Centres in Toronto As temperatures drop and winter weather hits Toronto, the need for community support grows, especially for individuals experiencing homelessness or living with